Before I am no longer a Cast Member, (2025)


DIS Veteran
Sep 4, 1999
  • Jan 10, 2004
  • #1

I definitely want to take my son and husband on a Disney Cruise. I also would like to go to DisneyLand as a Cast Member. And, I would like to take one last trip to WDW to do a lot of shopping with that discount. And one last time to CoD and Property Control.

Maybe we won't get to the point any time soon where we find ourselves in that situation, but just in case we do, what is on your list?


CM Tinkerbell

Dreaming of Disney
Jan 26, 2002
  • Jan 10, 2004
  • #2

We really want to do this too. As a matter of fact, we are planning a trip for the first week of February. We hope to do the 4 night cruise and spend a few days in Disney and enjoy the benefits of being a CM once more before it's all over. I definitely want to make a couple trips to Property Control. I will really miss that place.

I hate to be pessimistic, but Eisner has not hidden the fact that it is his full intent to unload the stores and our time as CM's is limited. Before I am no longer a Cast Member, (2)


<font color=teal>Take the Poly, it's fabulous!<br>
Aug 17, 2000
  • Jan 10, 2004
  • #3

Perhaps the biggest loss for me is the ability to get the returns at a REALLY rock bottom cost. Clothes and toys for kids. You see I buy up everything I can that is a really good deal, and donate it to a variety of charities.

Most importantly at Christmastime, I take care of the "Tree Kids". We have a Giving Tree at my church, and this year I was able to supply "Christmas" for 15 kids. I don't just buy and wrap the item on the hang tag, which is usually a toy or a warm sweater. I put together gift bags. In each there is some type of warm sweater or sweatshirt, or even an outfit, plus at least a couple of toys, plus some little things like magic towels or coloring sets.

I buy these things up all year long as they either go onto clearance or are returned and stash them away for Christmas. I would never be able to make the holidays bright for fifteen kids a year if it weren't for my discounts.



Not-so-secretly wishing to own the Disney Wonder
Jun 21, 2000
  • Jan 10, 2004
  • #4

I would have loved to have made it back to Disneyland. Have not been there since 1987. My girls have never been there. With a hotel discount, it might have been possible but now I doubt it. Since we did not get in free there, I never considered that in the equation.

I have cruised using the 15% discount only so this is not too much to adjust to. My last cruise, I was fully prepared to pay full price when I was told no discount over and over again until I finally was able to get the discount. On my next cruise, I just won't purchase as many gifts or pictures.

I would have liked to been able to visit Company D a few more times. I am not a fan of Property Control, have walked away from there buying nothing so many times. Just can't stand going through all that stuff to find a bargain.

Wondering how I will be able to visit the Vista Federal Credit Union. Once a member, always a member so how will they adjust for that one I wonder?

Definitely going through the initial stages of WDW seperation anxiety!!!!!Before I am no longer a Cast Member, (5)


<font color=red>Proud Iced Tea Snob<br><font color
Sep 20, 1999
  • Jan 10, 2004
  • #5


I did a similar thing at Christmas. I pulled names from the angel tree and bought, bought, bought! It made me feel incredible and Christmas morning all I could think of was how happy I must have made a child that I didn't even know. It's wonderful to be able to use that discount for such a wonderful thing.

The thing that I will miss most is the dining discounts at the parks (and the free admission Before I am no longer a Cast Member, (7) but that is a whole other ballgame!) Belive me, the merchandise discount is missed--but you just adjust to buying less.

Visits to Company D are DEFINITELY up there on the "miss it" list!

Sue Ellen


DIS Veteran
Sep 24, 2002
  • Jan 10, 2004
  • #6

Wondering how I will be able to visit the Vista Federal Credit Union. Once a member, always a member so how will they adjust for that one I wonder?

They'll probably send you to the location near college program housing, on I-Drive near 535/Apopka-Vineland/Whatever else they've decided to call it this week.

Because, you know, that location is ever so convenient.



Craving a trip to WDW
Sep 16, 2002
  • Jan 11, 2004
  • #7

before i'm no longer a cast member, i want to:

1. go to WDW as a cast member (i've never gotten the privilege to go!)


2. i know this is going to sound silly, but i want to go up into our store's animation one day, sit on the rock next to ariel, and take a picture!



Disney Princess
May 19, 2003
  • Jan 11, 2004
  • #8

I'm with Ariel.... I have a trip coming up in 7 weeks; it'll be my 1st trip as a Cast member and first real vacation in almost 6 years! I really wish it was tomorrow!!!

What I will miss - definitely the discount in the stores and the ability to buy things and donate them as well. Since I've been a CM, I've given lots of things to an organization that helps single mom's ... something I never could have done without my CM discount.

I'll also miss the thrill of getting a good return! My gosh, do I love to shop!

But most of all..... I will miss my fellow CM's !!!


shirley 38

DIS Veteran
Oct 9, 1999
  • Jan 11, 2004
  • #9

Before I am no longer a cast member I would really like to

1 Go on the Western Cruise

2 Go Disneyland just to be able to walk where Walt Disney walked. But then go on to Hawaii.


Has visited every Disney park in the world
Jun 21, 2001
  • Jan 12, 2004
  • #10

I would have loved to have made it back to Disneyland. Have not been there since 1987. My girls have never been there. With a hotel discount, it might have been possible but now I doubt it. Since we did not get in free there, I never considered that in the equation.

To be honest, you would probably save more on your hotel bill if you stayed off site at DL. When I took my 2 cousins to DL in 2002, we stayed overnight (drove from Las Vegas one weekend) at the DLH and I cost me $169! That was with the discount!



The Pink Bouncy Ball is Kaity!!
Oct 20, 1999
  • Jan 14, 2004
  • #11

I have been able to have visited WDW so many times with my CM discount. I just got back on Jan 13. We have done 4 different Disney cruises, we have visited California ( and have another trip planned for March) we have gone to Disneyland Paris. My little girl thinks EVERYone does this sort of thing. I know I will miss the discount when it comes to her most. I used to be a HUGE collector. I have tons of things from S&P shakers to cels, but now I really buy things for her. The hotels discount was nice, but let me assure can find hotels that are OFF property and cost MUCH less, and are closer! That doesn't bother me...admission, well ..yeah it was nice while it lasted..but I got in this past week on my ID with no problem at all into 3 diff parks ( no time for MGM) I am almost at my 8 year mark ( June) it would be nice to reach it. Best of luck to all

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Before I am no longer a Cast Member, (2025)
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Name: Stevie Stamm

Birthday: 1996-06-22

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Introduction: My name is Stevie Stamm, I am a colorful, sparkling, splendid, vast, open, hilarious, tender person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.