"I was, in all honesty, extremely startled and shocked by just how damn good this album is. While these cultists of the end-times hail from Brooklyn, my own stomping grounds, I was shocked to not have heard about them before I was sent this release. It’s not like I’m at every show or in touch with every band in this borough of NYC, but generally speaking, I have a pretty good grasp on what’s going on here. So to have this band and record unexpectedly drop into my lap, with no advance warning as to just how colossal it was going to be, left me picking my jaw up off the floor. Clouds Taste Satanic have crafted a stunningly complex piece of sonic abuse with Your Doom Has Come. Each song has its own vibe and tone, but always feels centered within the scope of the album’s overall feeling. The sense of drug-induced fear, otherwordly horror and darkness ride forth on this record much like a steed sent straight from hell. Clouds Taste Satanic have quietly been working their dark magic for some time in preparation for this album; the end result is one that they should be greatly proud of and walk with their collective heads held high. I’m sensing that Your Doom Has Come is just the first ripple of a big rock being dropped into the lake of extreme music, thanks to this band. Seek this album out at all costs, people, and brace yourselves to be destroyed."
"Clouds Taste Satanic have taken a gamble, to see if the music they produce is strong enough to speak for them. In the case of this Brooklyn foursome, the music not only speaks, it sings (without words, even)! The band has set the music out there to either spark a fire that spreads where it will or, conversely, to peter out and fade into obscurity. If there is one thing I can say with confidence, it is this: these clouds will not dissipate, because the product is excellent. And the discerning metal listener, who is in constant search of excellence, will have much to celebrate when they discover this band."
"Overall a very strong follow up for Clouds Taste Satanic, releasing two great albums within such a short time-frame of each other is an impressive feat and let's hope they can keep this pace up and start some heavy touring. If this is your first introduction to Clouds Taste Satanic I STRONGLY suggest you pick up their debut “To Sleep Beyond the Earth” as well, because it is also excellent."
"The instrumental score for the Apocalypse just may have been found in Clouds Taste Satanic’s new album “Your Doom Has Come.” Indeed the only thing missing from this New York instrumental band’s doomy soundtrack is the hoof beats of the Four Horsemen, but one could easily be forgiven for mistaking the rhythmic changes from slower chugging head-bobbers to faster toe-tapping sections as the sound of the approaching riders of the Book of Revelations."
"The four piece satanic stoners have done it again. With a portentous pounce, a first massive smash that lingers and slowly fades for twenty seconds until the riff begins, the Clouds drift in and spell doom and destruction. With a much more oppressive atmosphere they do turn hypnotizing once again, but this time around, the influences they take from repetitive stoner and sludgy tempos dispel any notion that you are dealing with deadly smoke here. Instead you get caught up in something much more rock oriented and almost catchy, for the lack of a better word. Cause they turn up the tempo on many occasion and seek out those age-old and proves strong structures. There is no doubt about it, the new Clouds Taste Satanic album is still menacing, but with much more of a leering grin than truly malevolent like on their debut. But hey, even pure evil relaxes with a beer once in a while."
"If you praise the likes of Black Sabbath, Electric Wizard, early Earth, Sleep, Ufomammut or High On Fire, you will feel right at home with Clouds Taste Satanic!"
"If their previous album “To Sleep beyond the earth” literally blew my mind, this sophomore opus has become one of my favorite soundtracks for my daily job. This band knows everything about how to transmit different and distinctive states of mind through psychedelic structures, forged in basic guitar riffs and oneiric atmospheres. Of course, the music has a lot of influences, mainly from stoner rock and doom rock, but these guys seem to be on the same mood of rock n’ roll on its purest essence. I mean, they just handle the instruments and after some alcohol shots and weed, they just play music that comes from the mind. A quite simple way to create music by improvisation, I’d say. All tracks come from a cradle of different feelings: anger, happiness, sorrow, pain, and I must say that these musicians take the better of each one and translate it to a musical section, a guitar line, a bass base, a drum beat …. It’s amazing what you can create when you are in the same mood with your pals, and when music flows like blood in rehearsal room. On the third hearing I still discovering distinctive states of mind here, and new sensations over a pathway of music structures. If you ask me, this album has to be heard carefully, with an open mind. You expect something like a sonic trip around your subconscious."
"Chomping down on some Instrumental Doom perfected in Brooklyn, NY with Clouds Taste Satanic and their 2015 release, "Your Doom Has Come". I don't care what you're doing, throw this album on and it will suddenly be 100x more epic. Smoking up with your buds, throw this album on.. Making love to your girl, throw this album on... Visiting Nana in the nursing home? This will make the experience more enjoyable for the both of you and will be a nonchalant reminder that you can't wait forever for your inheritance. Long story, short; This album is packed full of doomy goodness and should cranked immediately. Enjoy!"
"If you’ re a doom metal fan, i think you’ re going to enjoy this album."
"If you love enveloping atmospheres as black as a moonless night and heavy riffs like mountains you must get this record. It says something that in just two years they have managed to create an excellent reputation and are considered one of the best bands of the underground Doom scene. Essential."
"Your Doom Has Come bears true to its name, summoning dread and drama and when the pace is right, a desire to become physically involved that To Sleep lacked. It’s not necessarily better, just a different beast. It’s a relatively laid back affair suitable for a number of situations where distraction may not be called for, but concentrated listening yields the desired instrumental doom results."
"Let's tackle this album from two separate paths. First, the fact of the matter is, it's instrumental. And while I wouldn't suggest that a vocalist would ruin the record, the absence of one is an asset. They haven't sacrificed track length or tried to overcompensate in any way, as some bands tend to do. Leaving the vocal slider on the mixing board all the way down doesn't mean you need to play extra solos, install odd time signatures or add in a second drummer. More isn't always better. Secondly, this is the kind of stoner infused doom that lends itself well to long compositions, coming and going, bending and swaying, and yet somehow always coming to a neat finish at the end. That isn't magic, or even an accident; that speaks to the confidence Clouds Taste Satanic have in what they're doing. You can hear that within the confines of each and every song, like a jazz piece. You know where it started and where it'll end, but the middle could go any which way. It's unpredictable predictability. And Your Doom Has Come is the inevitable. 8.5/10"
"And it has come crashing down with crushing density that resonates with every doom-laden note and pulsating layer. It arrives with a somber sonic declaration, one devoid of speech but needing no translation for this release is an aural interpretation of morose finality in its own totalitarian completion. The nearly nine minute opener “Ten Kings” is an adventure in itself, one that relays a sense of dimensional exploration as it pulls you along into its spiraling vortex of musical travels. Spinning within a throbbing, hypnotic formula of tonal qualities, this song’s intermittent melodic moments are merely a calm before the raging storms of battering waves serving to transport you headlong into track two, “One Third Of The Sun”. A groovy, repetitious guitar riff instantly opens said selection and I dare anyone that is listening to this song to just try not to begin head-nodding along with the pleasing bounce that this second biblically – referenced track invokes throughout two-thirds of its’ running time. Flowing familiarity begins to cradle you as song three “Beast From The Sea” arrives and further fuels us along with its’ Middle Eastern nuances and unspoken narrative. You can easily find yourself lost in the moment of singular escapism provided here, absorbed and then transported ever further and further headlong into an alternate realm of desert-bound caravans and oft-times fiery intensities. From “Out Of The Abyss” seemingly comes your arrival to the far off destination as this song is at times vastly pummeling and chock full of incendiary guitar melting fret play while dissolving into circular, addictive reprises. Periodically they are frenetic and caustic, chasing you right up to the very edge of this recorded precipice only to pull you back at the last moment and comfort you with some proggish manipulations. The ease does not last though because before you know it comes the ominous foreboding of song five, “Dark Army”, and it feels as if it is impossible to not feel tinges of uncertainty and even dread at what emotional implications the song invokes within the listener’s being. Yet all of that is once again suppressed over mid-way through as fleeting melodic intervals appear and then disappear while you revel in anticipatory expectation and temporary anxieties for this offering’s last submission. “Sudden…Fallen” does just that with its’ Sleep-like riffs attached to contemporary age Tool type textures amid mesmerizing minutes. We’ve just been undoubtedly taken to alternate possibilities upon this far-reaching journey into off-the-beaten path locations…all undertaken with times of urgency, other times with settled resolution that you are indeed along for this sonic ride so just sit back with a cordial invite for Your Doom Has Come indeed. Welcome it with arms opened wide while your mind does the same in like manner."
"I was surprised that it was purely instrumental, but after a couple of songs it made perfect sense: it leaves space for listeners to scream their own doomy lyrics. Just look at the incredible cover art. How doom can this get? Doomier I guess, the title is doom in its own right: Your Doom Has Come. Have a listen to Beast From The Sea (track 3), and let the dread fill your heart. Out of The Abyss (track 4) has a Black Sabbath undertone that you will love. All in all, everything is doom, and doomier, the better."
"This Brooklyn-based instrumental band released their second album on September 1 (CD, vinyl, and digital). The entire album is very, very good and deserves a complete review. But given the risks I won’t manage that, I at least want you to sample the album, by listening to the song “Beast From the Sea”. I’m so stuck on this song that I suspect it’s coated with glue. The riffs are ridiculously magnetic — so much so that you won’t miss vocals. It’s a rumbling, rolling juggernaut of stoner/doom anchored by a bruising rhythm section and laced with insidious guitar leads. And those riffs…. I hope you won’t stop with “Beast From the Sea”, because the rest of the album is delicious, too."
"Clouds Taste Satanic know how to write enveloping songs and ride the wave with skill and display a hypnotic feeling of respect. If you love vintage but do not want to hear of false imitations and look towards the future, more powerful, revisited, hallucinated and cathartic, embrace this album and make this band your object of worship! Adorable!"
"Listening to ‘Your Doom Has Come’ I soon found myself drifting, not away with boredom, but into the landscape of the music, being absorbed by the sound and the visions it created. I still don’t know how this music would play live, although I’d love to find out, but as a listening experience at home, it is hard to beat. As ridiculous as this may sound, I found it a massively visual album, the bands sound evoking a veritable army of cinematic images in my mind. Were I the sort who had to obsessively file my CDs by genre, rather than have Clouds Taste Satanic nestling next to Black Sabbath, it would be housed next to Claudio Simonetti’s Goblin and John Carpenter’s works."
"Your Doom Has Come" is an album with some variety, rather gloomy, epic and heavy, no extra frills that adulterate the spirit of the compositions, so sure to please those who already know the work of CLOUDS TASTE SATANIC, but for those who know nothing of them it's a wonderful opportunity to discover as this album is more direct than its predecessor. If you like Instrumental Doom, this is the album you were waiting for."
"'Your Doom Has Come' is a bit different that it's predecessor. There's six tracks in a more or less regular traditional doom metal timespan. Besides, the focus seems to be on monolithic riffs and a gloomy atmosphere in stead of elaborate soundscapes and dreamy passages. The result is a heavier album with some serious airplay capacity within the doom metal genre. But above all, 'Your Doom Has Come' is once again a great album, showing an evolving band. That being said, I think it's about time that Clouds Taste Satanic contacts the Desert Fest organisation and try to be a part of this year's edition in Antwerp. Not only because I want to see this, but also because these guys will guarantee a powerful show and possibly become one of the absolute highlights of the event. I can already imagine a decent crowd with hooded sweaters, slowly nodding their heads while 'Dark Army' rolls through the speakers. I mean, my wife is doing exactly that at the very moment I'm writing this paragraph and if she likes it, it's great, believe me."
"Last year Brooklyn, New York's Clouds Taste Satanic treated us to the excellent "To Sleep Beyond The Earth". A devilishly delicious combination of doom metal and post-rock, "To Sleep Beyond The Earth" proved to be a fantastic debut outing for this skilled instrumental act and it was justifiably meet with high-praise from critics and fans. Now Clouds Taste Satanic ( know...why not?) are back for round two with the forthcoming "Your Doom Has Come". It drops in September and this wicked slab of heavy (and once more quite versatile!) post-rock/doom metal builds on the foundation of album number two while adding in a few more twists and turns! Formed in 2013, Clouds Taste Satanic has steadily improved with each passing year, but this new album really finds the four-piece making the leap from the side-show to the evening's main event! Once likened to Sleep and other similar-themed stoner rock/doom metal bands, Clouds Taste Satanic has developed a key sound and it's one that should be experienced by stoners and doomsters alike."
"Clouds Taste Satanic new record is fantastic. Your Doom Has Come is, without any kind of doubts, one of the best Doom Metal album of the year. Crushing riffs with a great attitude."
"Also at Clouds Taste Satanic true that the general doom River rises in the garden Black Sabbath, swarming with peacocks and chickens fly directly into the mouth. He continued slowly flowing water due to the hilly countryside around Earth, marshy lowlands of Sleep and meadows adjacent to the channel empties something waters High On Fire and Electric Wizard. Only approach where we drink in other moments, even if the wind actually blows from faraway New York. Just after his route to becoming Virk thickens topics doom rock certainties. Slightly alien, but functioning."
"Stunning instrumental Doom records are a rare find, but this Brooklyn quartet manages to pull it off with their second release. With the album cover homage to 1980s Candlemass, you have an idea of what to expect here: classic riffs, gorgeous tone and fairly complex song structures that generally eclipse the 6-minute mark. With no vocals to preach about impending misery and woe, the onus for conjuring up the feeling of crushing Doom falls squarely on the instruments and they are certainly up to the task. Very cool record."
"I love it!". Good work you guys."
"In short, Clouds Taste Satanic are back with a very strong sound. Something tells me that if you love doom and stoner, you will love Your Doom Has Come, which teems with variety and overflows with heavy guts. Excellent."
"With their second album, Clouds Taste Satanic continue their established fondness for wrapping big doom tracks up in a classy presentation. Unlike To Sleep Beyond The Earth, this time they're having a go at breaking the music down into more than one song per side, with six pieces coming together to provide as much as can be squeezed onto a single LP before the sound quality begins to suffer. The slow procession begins with "Ten Kings", setting a foundation of thumping riffs and reverb before shifting into more violent mannerisms. There's a more staunchly metal bite to the songs, with the post-rocky pieces of the first album switched to a more sinister tone this time around, though the eagerness shown by the band in exploring ways to keep the song-writing fresh hasn't diminished one bit. Whether slogging through a slow'n'low riff section or bashing out some less-tethered frenzies, CTS show a good sense of how far they can stretch a piece before it starts to fracture and cut into the next portion."
"instrumental melancholic doom metal, damn tasty, riffs rolling like no tomorrow, enough variation on tracks to keep it interesting, TASTE it yourself."
“The amount of epic riffs they managed to stuff into 6 tracks is astounding. But I guess that’s one of the greatest benefits to not having a vocalist fronting the band and filling the soundscape with their ego. When the instruments are brought to the front of the mix, given room to breathe, and evolve dynamically at their own pace… the result is some of the greatest instrumental doom the world has ever known.”
"in my opinion this is another great sounding recording from Clouds Taste Satanic and if you are a fan of instrumental stoner, doom and post metal you should check out this album. RECOMMENDED TRACKS INCLUDE "One Third Of The Sun" and "Dark Army". 8 out of 10."
"This is truly satanic doom because it’s obvious that some form of demonic inspiration has taken place to create an album so masterful. Every song has been meticulously crafted to loftily stand alone on its own merits, yet they all link back to that deliciously gloomy tone which runs throughout. With these two releases it’s obvious that Clouds Taste Satanic have only just begun to weave their dark incantation. It winds its way to ascendancy and mere mortals such as I have been caught within its path, soon the ritual will be complete and all will be under their spell."
"Your Doom Has Come is a fantastic record for those interested in exploring a genre where vocals and lyrics seem to reign supreme. Considering the fact that it is entirely instrumental, you need to piece together the story in your own words and imagination. Clouds Taste Satanic have done an exceptional job laying the groundwork for their extremely promising musical future with this album. Don't allow the lack of lyrics to hinder your enjoyment of what is an extraordinarily captivating musical venture."
"The magnitude (and, consequently, the beauty) of a group like the Clouds Taste Satanic in the attention that is devoted to his musical expression. From the beautiful shell in which packs a splatter vinyl white / red / black, with two respective paintings by John Martin ( "The Last Judgment" and "The Deluge") in which all of humanity is called to answer for their sins until you get to the specific music, where we went from "Dopesmoker" to "The Art of Self Defense". The previous album, "To Sleep Beyond the Earth", he projected in spatial scenarios inside spaceships THC charges to the discovery of deep space. The magma was woven in three quarters of an hour of one riff / one song and segmented into four more or less related clips. The story is repeated in the first side of this new "Your Doom Has Come," where the title track, spread throughout the duration of the hand, is fragmented into three mini-suites, close but not circular. With prologue / development / completion, it was decided to produce the concept of the end of the world in sound matter."
"A simple yet efficient instrumental stoner/doom album".
FUNERAL WEDDING (Google Translate):
"Arriving in the middle of the album, now that the beast picks up, because we can analyze in two ways. The first, taking into account only the critical analysis, the remaining 3 tracks follow unharmed, bringing to the ears excellent melodic lines and the satisfaction of having heard an excellent work. The second form is that of the listener, especially that music fan who likes to consume music and pick up the booklet to read the lyrics, sing along, which does not happen here anymore. Then you end up traveling and disconnecting from what you are listening, which ends up killing the last 3 tracks. Or you have the option of putting the play to scroll and read a book (recommended), because surely this material is a perfect soundtrack to the story you are reading. Or put the play to roll and go to wash dishes, make food, clean the house or put as a soundtrack in your work. In short, this Clouds Taste Satanic play is good, exciting and will bring you lots of auditions and fun."
LA HABITACION 235 (Google Translate):
"Largest number of songs, the new "Your Doom Has Come" and you can enjoy the artwork that will contain two sovereign advances that you can listen below. Again the dense and primitive style becomes your weapon of mass destruction with his new breakthrough "Beast From The Sea" , one more reason why believe in this instrumental project."
"It took me a full eight minutes to realize there were no vocals on this release. Regardless, an intriguing mix of doom and stoner rock within epic track lengths that take the listener on quite the ride."
"Overall, I think the music itself is good, and it's certainly got one hell of a Sludge groove to it - I just wish they'd try it with vocals. "
"The second album of Clouds Taste Satanic is a tasty dish that lacks the decisive ingredient that makes it indispensable and, above all, yet another good job that runs the risk of being ignored; the bands that practice this type of solution are beginning to be too many when, on the other hand, there are few who possess the immeasurable talent necessary to emerge..." (i.e. needs vocals)
"This album has six songs of varying lengths which are not necessarily related to each other. Overall, it is more aggressive than the first album, especially songs like “One Third of the Sun” and “Beast from the Sea” which are like a punch in the face as well as a kick in the head. Louder and angrier in tone, this music is a new space for the band."